The Auntie, My Neighbour

My auntie-neighbour brought her young foreign relative over with a laptop and woke me up from my nap. She spoke to me in both Chinese mandarin and dialect. As the elderly was completely IT illiterate, I had problem understanding what they wanted. After some time, I thought the little girl wanted me to change the …

My latest love letter to M1 on its fan page

My home M1 fiber network is currently down. After the technician instructed me to do this and that over the phone, she said the Huawei router was faulty. However, the Huawei router was OUT OF STOCK. She suggested that I could switch to my own router while I could connect my home telephone line to …

Facebook is a Time-bomb

Facebook has shrunk the world more than what the invention of internet has done. At first, emails, newsgroups and IRC (internet relay chat) made information sharing fast and easy enough such that human beings were amazed and impressed. When Facebook comes into action, it starts to attract users to an extent that most internet users …

Dinner with Caiping

[Sunday, 16 May, 2010] I met up with Caiping at Cityhall MRT in the afternoon. After reaching the National Library at the level 5, we were so disappointed with the Wireless@SG’s connection over there that it kept dying off within a few seconds. The power point by the side of the outdoor area was powerless. …

Second Singapore Flyer Experience

On Friday, I woke up early in the morning again. I had only three hours of sleep as my old habit returned to haunt the night, refusing to let me go to bed before it was satisfied with the amount of work I could do. It was not a good start of the day to …

Long Hours of Meeting

I managed to pull through my Sunday outside when I was not feeling well. The usual weekend burnt was back again for my studies. As Soon Siong had predicted, the meeting would drag for an hour before everyone was present. We met up at the usual place, at The Cathay Starbucks, but the seats with …

Starhub Max-online is Crap

Following the past two weeks of slow internet experience, the Starhub cable modem demonstrated the “excellent” service from Starhub Max-online. The “POWER” LED was lighted but “DS” was blinking. The following LEDs were all dead except for the “LINK”. It was 2.30am in the morning, I was typing an important email, and doing other stuffs …

Starhub is Crap

This article is specially dedicated to all Starhub users. If you are using both Starhub Max-online and mobile service together, you may be one of the fools around. Starhub mobile line is known to be less stable than both SingTel and M1 services; in fact, it has ridiculously weak reception at many areas. If you …