Sichun is Married

[Sunday, 21 March, 2010] The day began with the preparation to go out for lunch with my colleagues. We had buffet at Straits Cafe at Hotel Rendezvous to celebrate for Daniel’s birthday. Taking good food was too much of a privilege to me and I had excess of them recently. In the mid of the …

New Website – I’m using Windows

On Sunday, waking up at noon was quite unusual. I missed my show on channel 8 for an hour and caught the remaining one hour before dozing off again. I took my breakfast, cereal, after 4pm while working on my new project on a slow pace like the day before; however, I made greater contribution …

Chinese New Year 2010

At first, I thought I could spend more time on my web development during the Chinese New Year festival, but it turned out that I had lesser time to do my own stuffs. A day before New Year Eve, I had already spent quite some time sweeping the floor and cleaning the toilet. I did …

Second Day of MC and My Mum’s Holiday

On the second morning of my MC, I went to the MacDonald’s with my brother and his girlfriend. The new restaurant was renovated again to accommodate more people, at the cost of the coziness. We shared a nugget meal with a chicken roll, and another cup of drinks and fries at the cost of $10 …

Great Weekend

I had one of the greatest weekends ever. Good Friday prolonged the happiness. Shopping at Anchor Point, Queensway Shopping Centre and IKEA was great, followed by a “midnight movie”. I had my new spectacle made at People’s Park Complex and after more than a year, the degree was the same. On the last day, I …

Chinese New Year Day 1

The start of the day was like previous years, which was house visiting to my aunt’s place. Before that, we went to Burger King but changed our minds and visited the new MacDonald’s branch at Shenton Way instead. It was fantastically designed and I regretted not asking them to dine in instead. We spent some …

Chinese New Year Eve

I woke up after four in the afternoon. Starting the day at the hour was amazing considering the fact that I rarely would have a good long sleep. However, I had a mixed feeling since I could have spent the time doing other things. There was some sweeping and mopping of the floor by my …