Another Bad Experience at MediaCorp

[Tuesday, 25 January, 2011] I went to bed at 2am and woke up at 7am for my haircut. The auntie had some conversation with me after the haircut as she advised me to speak up more. I went home to take my shower and rest before leaving my house for MediaCorp. I reached at around …

An Unintentional Open Challenge from Unknown

[Wednesday, 19 January, 2011] Into the morning of Wednesday, I managed to push the article Tuition Agencies Singapore to live. Eventually I slept at 5am. I continued my day at 12.30pm and reached office at 2pm. Upon checking my inbox, I saw an email from someone who wanted to rent me his website because he …

Filming for MediaCorp again

[Sunday, 7 March, 2010] I spent quite some time trying to find out what would a normal Singapore reporter wear for interviewing someone outside the court. Sleeping late, I still managed to wake up on time. However, the guard at the MediaCorp’s Radio Gate told me I had to go in by the main entrance …

The Longest Filming Hours

It had been quite some time since I stepped into Mediacorp again. During the previous time when I decided to help Jesedy, they called off the filming the night before it. Undercover again I had a tough battle against my sleep to wake up four hours after hitting my bed. Taking bus 167 to MacRitchie …

Year 2007 – The Year of Job Exploring

Year 2007 was a total new experience for me. I began the year as a property agent, continued from the previous couple of months. This period lay my poorest days for I did not get to receive my commission (pay) until months later. I gave up after almost half a year of trying for reasons:– …