No more Multiple Webcam Chatting in MSN (Windows Live Messenger)

For users with webcam experience using MSN, you should know the difference between Video Call and Webcam. Basically, Video Call is webcam chat with voice and both parties must own a physical webcam each in order to initialise the Video Call. The problem with Video Call is that it requires much more bandwidth and once …

Who has Deleted you from their MSN List?

When I begin to realise that more people do not have me in their MSN contact list anymore, I start to wonder if there is any problem with MSN’s server. You can configure your MSN to such that only people on your Allow List can see your status and send you messages, but I suppose …

The Day I put it to an End

[Friday, 2 April, 2010] Into the deepest silent of the early morning where everyone was still sleeping, I continued to battle with my farewell letter. A sudden creativity came into my mind that since I had been designing things for the ITE, including websites, I might as well put the farewell letter into a website …

Orientation at SIM

On Thursday, Daniel and Jennifer went outstation; Kevin met up with his friends while Weitat had pizza with his students. Jingkun and I went to Tradehub21 for lunch together with Mahani. We had the Muslim’s mixed vegetable rice and it cost me four bucks with the syrup drink. The food tasted okay. We went to …