First round of labelling blog entries

If you have noticed about my blog entries, I have added “labels” on the bottom of each post. The label is a new feature of Blogger Beta, which is similar as some blog providers’ “tags” feature. It is to classify the blog entries into categories for convenience visitors. I have spent many nights looking through …

My website is running on a super duper server

[Monday, 26 June, 2006] I was waiting for my sister to return to camp to collect some PA stuffs from her. Meanwhile, I went to collect keys from Jianhao and saw Mike who brought me to his office. He was working on his sites and he began to advise me for the at least fourth …

Change of new domain name provider

[Friday, 23 June, 2006] As my domain name was going to be expired, I quickly switched over to a new provider a few days before it happened. I had to thank Ganz again for subscribing with the earlier provider for me; while this time I used my elder brother’s debit card to do …

Enjoying compliments

I really appreciate compliments especially to my works. Some people may start to say I am vain, but the satisfactory to commitments is great when people are admiring them. So much thought came into my mind as Siu Hang suddenly messaged me yesterday early morning right after midnight to question me about my works. I …

Unforeseen – the story

I was finally done with the last chapter of Unforeseen last week. There was a little sense of satisfaction somehow. The writing was done during travelling on train, mostly during the journey to camp every morning. Due to the short time intervals, I could not print out some of my inspirations before they vanished from …