[Thursday, 07 July, 2006] Finally I got back my spectacle. I was not brand conscious and thus I was just picking nice looking frames with opinions given by the salesgirl who picked the exact one which I was eyeing in the beginning. The brand was Giacoma Puccini. I liked the parts near the joints a …
Tag Archives: record
Culprit for my future mishap and worsening of injuries
[Friday, 16 June, 2006] The visit to the medical centre was nothing but a waste of time as well as a seek-scolding session. I showed him the specialist’s letter and he started screwing me off, saying the content was similar as the previous one. He did not bother about the specialist’s instruction to give me …
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My mum’s high fever
It was really difficult for me to communicate with my mum. She assumed she was strong at her age, with some long term medication somemore, told my younger brother she was not afraid of being infected by his cough. Somehow, she managed to get her lesson when she got the cough and sore throat, most …
Return of younger brother
[Saturday, 06 May, 2006] My younger brother finally returned home from Tekong after his seven-day field camp. In fact, it has been around two weeks since he last stepped in; they burned his previous weekends and the Labour’s Day holiday. He was alright except for the sprain on his ankle quite a few weeks ago …
MRI report
ORIGINAL REPORTHISTORYLow back pain. REPORTMRI LUMBAR SPINE Sagittal T1 and T2W images, axial T1 and T2W images from L3 to S1 and from S1 to S2 were done. The lumbar vertebrae are labelled using C2 as the landmark. Normal signal is seen in the lumbar discs. The disc spaces are preserved. The alignment of the …
After he leaves
My younger brother had enlisted and joined my sucky lifestyle last Saturday. I hoped he would not have a major change in character upon experiencing all the cruelty and ugly side of life. I did not send him off as I had a tournament at the beach; moreover, my neighbours, who had not stepped into …
A lazy hero
There was a wallet on the seat behind the wall near the escalator. I knew someone must be left it there without noticing as it slipped off the pocket. I was lazy to care about it, think that someone would take and bring it up to the control room. The back feature of an old …
Review of year 2005
It’s always sad to recall about the past but it’s a must in order to be able to do reflection – to correct mistake as well as not to let history repeat itself. Year 2005 is the worst year I’ve ever had. Army had totally screwed up my life. From injuries to doubt of indignity, …
He flies off to Thailand
My elder brother has left for Thailand on a holiday trip. It’s so cool that his company has paid for the whole packet which includes the 5-stars hotel accommodation over there. It’s good for him to enjoy himself there since he has been working so hard for the past few months, including weekends. However, the …
Driver's Handbook
1 – Back to training It was yet another trainee’s lifestyle. I hated it since BMT and never would I want to taste it again, if I had a choice. The only relief was that my ex-platoonmates would be joining me, so much of a fortunate in the suffer. I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t …