[Wednesday, 29 September, 2006] My mum and I were going to bed quite early and I started teaching her how to strengthen her legs. The frequenting to the physiotherapy centres in the past had equipped me with sufficient knowledge that I knew the exercises quite well. Her knee caps were loose and I relayed the …
Tag Archives: physiotherapy
Revisit to SGH
[Monday, 09 October, 2006] I went to the physiotherapist for the second time with my mum. I told her I had accidentally strained my calf two nights ago and she was quite stunned. It was all for the long disability that I wanted to witness the progress. I did some cycling exercise there and each …
First physiotherapy after operation
[Monday, 25 September, 2006] I was shocked to see the appointment date on the paper for my physiotherapy during the weekends as I keyed the date into my website’s calendar. The nurse told me it was a Monday but the calendar showed it was a Tuesday. I checked the date of my computer and finally …
Farewell to the fun and sorrowful place
[Friday, 22 September, 2006] After sleeping for two hours, I woke up suddenly with Yixin and Cecilia by my side. Yixin was laughing craftily as they walked off. I was not sure did they do anything to wake me up or I just felt the danger and got up to save myself. With the frame, …
Second chalet day
[Wednesday, 21 September, 2006] I woke up as early as five plus in the morning. Then, I waited for my mum to come as she promised to get me breakfast. The nurse came and asked me to take a seat on the chair while she prepared my bed. I tried to get down and hurt …
A second lunch
[Friday, 28 July, 2006] I took a quick lunch, causing a stomach discomfort before rushing to the MMI physiotherapy centre. It was a relaxing afternoon since no physiotherapist was around. I took extra effort to ensure I had done my gym properly. When I was about to leave, Kenneth asked me to wait for him …
The future permanent physiotherapist of MMI
[Friday, 23 June, 2006] It was a different experience at the MMI Physiotherapy centre. As Miss Archana had resigned, I was seeing different physiotherapists and I got to see this one who was going to take over fully officially but currently still running two clinics at the same time. I was informed of how military …
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Physiotherapy was scary
[Tuesday, 09 May, 2006] Nobody would believe that my body was so weak that I had fallen sick again with flu and cough. It was not that I had been taking junk food again, but being passed on; but I loved it still. Of course, I did not look like a sickly child. I made …
New physiotherapist
[Friday, 05 May, 2006] Even though I was a regular at the MMI physiotherapy centre, it was so different this time. Miss Archana was no longer working there and I was seeing the new physiotherapist for the first time. Luck was not with me in the morning as it was pouring again. I was lazy …
When MMI fails
I’m extremely disappointed in MMI (Military Medical Institute). Two days ago, the new guy called and cancelled my appointment once again. I raised my voice instantly because that was really outrageous but I managed to cool down somehow. My condition is worsening each day and the aching is tearing me apart soon. There is too …