Working Hard on the Tuition Agency Administration Side

[Thursday, 10 February, 2011] I went to sleep at 2am but could not doze off. I got up after 3am and worked on my administration pages for the tuition agency site. I went to bed at 6am. I woke up after 12 noon and started playing with Lucky. My stomach was not well and finally …

Another Bad Experience at MediaCorp

[Tuesday, 25 January, 2011] I went to bed at 2am and woke up at 7am for my haircut. The auntie had some conversation with me after the haircut as she advised me to speak up more. I went home to take my shower and rest before leaving my house for MediaCorp. I reached at around …

Dull Sunday Working Again

[Sunday, 9 January, 2011] I went for supper at the MacDonald’s with my elder brother and mum. I worked with low efficiency until 7am. I woke up at 5pm and took the cold noodle that my mum bought many hours ago. I spent the rest of the day working on SEO for the tuition agency …

New Year 2011

[Saturday, 1 January, 2011] At the first minute of the year, I was busy blogging with the long due entries. Mike was relaxing himself with the Starcraft 2 game. We left at around 1.30am and I went to bed after 2am without switching on my laptop again. I woke up at 11am and dozed off …

Freelance Work for Bobby and Fixing up Office

[Monday, 20 December, 2010] I started the day blogging again and went to sleep at 6am. I woke up many times due to incoming SMSes. Eventually I got up after noon. I went to the gym to help Bobby with his poster and flyer editing before going to the office. Mike and I continued to …

Two New Gym Works Pending

[Sunday, 19 December, 2010] I took blogged as the first task of the day and went to sleep at 6am. I woke up after 3pm and started “packing” my desktop to tidy it up. I had a chat with Tze Khit and Mike before my family and I went to meet my elder brother and …

The Most Disastrous Day as Anticipated

[Friday, 18 June, 2010] It was a stressful morning somehow for my anticipation. I had a chat with shifu over the phone to find out more about Jeremy’s website. It was a gaming morning again with my elder brother. In the afternoon, I set off to Jeremy’s house at Strathmore Avenue and thought I would …

Project BOE (Birds on Estacy) – Green Parrot Escaped

[Friday, 21 May, 2010] Before my mum went to sleep, she placed her passport on the table and asked me to help her fill up the declaration card for visiting Malaysia. My butts started aching after the previous night’s gym. I continued with my work after clearing up my email. My mum returned in the …