Kailin's twenty-first birthday

It’s unkind for friends to not attend one of the twenty-first birthday. Nowadays, people are careless about others, or they just treat you nice when they’re in front of you and forget about your existence after bidding goodbye. This day, I’ve learnt something new again, though I didn’t even want to witness it at all. …

The warehouse and the beach

I can’t believe I’ll wake up so early this morning at eight plus. I really need to sleep more. I can’t even remember what time I’ve fallen asleep last night, not even the last thing I’ve done. I overslept the day before when I was supposed to meet up with Kailin to the Mizuno warehouse …

Jianwei's twenty-first birthday

Jianwei’s birthday chalet was good with so many friends around. I went home right after booking out while Ivan, Fredrick and Reuben waited for Rehan at Lot 1. Rehan then drove his cooper down to pick me up, which took very long time as they lost their way. How could my house be so difficult …