Rental at Boon Lay Drive For students or family only. Priority to Singaporeans.30 units (with air-con) ready on 1st Feb.199 units in all (will be grabbed VERY fast). 3 bus-stops away from Lakeside MRT (bus 240).Near Boonlay Shopping Centre. – fenced up area with security.– thumb scanning entry Can rent 1 room for 1 to …
Monthly Archives: January 2007
When She Places Herself High Up In the Air
[Wednesday, 24 January, 2007] I have been so busy nowadays that I cannot even add in new contents to my personal website, except that I still continue to update my blog regularly. Many entries are outdated still. My mailbox is storing many interesting forwarded emails, which I do not have time to forward to other …
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All the Bad Things
Backaches, giddiness and lost of appetite have been accompanying me throughout my days. I am so proud of myself that I can still talk nicely over the phone and smile at people. Everything is fine except that my chests sometimes feel stuffy. Mother of Nature has ordered a stop to bleeding of eyes after flooding …
Rental Off, Swim and 204 Bedok Sold
[Tuesday, 23 January, 2007] A foreign bitch pissed me off in the early morning. I could not stand her arrogance and decided to remove her away from my internet life totally. Kelly gave me a bad news after I woke up and the deal with Uncle Sam was called off for the clients had found …
Losing Hope
A day was wasted once again. In the afternoon, I failed to find Uncle Sam to return him the keys. Then, Lulu was talking on phone with someone and she seemed to have found another tenant who she claimed wanted to give her $300 as referral fee. I felt no threat to her words. Later, …
When it gets meaningless
Sometimes it is just too meaningless to blog when some words are not supposed to be spelt out to avoid problems. Friends who have been following through my writing should know how detailed I can be, without even hiding my own mistakes. I’m sorry for being too pessimistic at times because things just happen to …
So-called Friends
There are many things I do not wish to explain in details but some people choose to kick a big fuss before going through their brains. They do not know exactly what have happened but decide to chip in their heroism to stir up troubles to worsen everything. Assumption is ruling every brain in the …
Ang Mo Kio Again
[Saturday, 20 January, 2007] Throughout the morning, there was some confusing in my mind. It was a guessing game though somehow I knew something bad was expecting me. I was unable to wake up as early as planned as usual but since I always set ridiculous timing, I was able to make it on time. …
Freedom or Lonesome
After so many years, I know clearly if a person truly loves another person deeply, she will never leave him regardless of all circumstances. There are numerous obstacles in our lives and no matter what we do, there will be obstruction. What the least we can do is to try our best to overcome every …
Finally Got the House’s Key
[Friday, 19 January, 2007] I hated it when agents rang me up early in the morning but did not want to even bother to make appointments for viewing of the flats. I dragged myself down to see Uncle Sam at noon. He was not there and the keys were not there. I made another trip …