When She Places Herself High Up In the Air

[Wednesday, 24 January, 2007] I have been so busy nowadays that I cannot even add in new contents to my personal website, except that I still continue to update my blog regularly. Many entries are outdated still. My mailbox is storing many interesting forwarded emails, which I do not have time to forward to other …

Rental Off, Swim and 204 Bedok Sold

[Tuesday, 23 January, 2007] A foreign bitch pissed me off in the early morning. I could not stand her arrogance and decided to remove her away from my internet life totally. Kelly gave me a bad news after I woke up and the deal with Uncle Sam was called off for the clients had found …

When it gets meaningless

Sometimes it is just too meaningless to blog when some words are not supposed to be spelt out to avoid problems. Friends who have been following through my writing should know how detailed I can be, without even hiding my own mistakes. I’m sorry for being too pessimistic at times because things just happen to …