Zaki’s Advanced Birthday Celebration

[Friday, 2 July, 2010] I was crazily working on SmokeForWhat again and slept at 7 plus in the morning. Magdalene woke me up at 9+am to inform me that we were going to have early dinner with Zaki at 5.30pm. I could not doze off after that and thus I went online. There was a …

A Fresh Start of a Saturday at Zaki’s Place

[Saturday, 5 June, 2010] It was an unusual morning for it was the second time I stayed over at Zaki’s place. Hirman wanted to watch the Proposal but he knocked out soon. I watched it alone and went to sleep at around 2am. I woke up at around 7am and was too alive to doze …

KTV at Iluma’s K-Suites and Movie at Vivocity

[Saturday, 3 April, 2010] On Saturday, it started pouring before I could leave my house to join my ex-colleagues for the karaoke session at Iluma. However, after I opened my umbrella at the road, I realised most people were not carrying their umbrellas anymore; the rain had stopped specially for me. The train was crowded. …

Christmas 2009

At the first hour of Christmas, I was with my buddies at Vivocity, catching the movie “Guards and Assassins”. I had not been to the cinema with them for very long. It was an unusual outing since the guys had their girlfriends along, except for Weitat and me. We split into two groups of four …

Caught Movie Storm Warriors 2

Last Friday was a holiday, which was brought over for the previous Deepavali. I planned to get started with my websites but my younger brother dated me to catch the “Storm Warriors 2” movie. I had my haircut at 10am in the morning and my mum insisted me to join them at the hawker centre …

Happy Belated Birthday to me!

None of my birthdays I would anticipate like this year’s somehow. I told myself it was either the best or the worst ever. I began the night staying up with girlfriend since she was studying. I did not sleep for long just like any night. There was a meeting during lunchtime with nasi lemak provided …

Great Weekend

I had one of the greatest weekends ever. Good Friday prolonged the happiness. Shopping at Anchor Point, Queensway Shopping Centre and IKEA was great, followed by a “midnight movie”. I had my new spectacle made at People’s Park Complex and after more than a year, the degree was the same. On the last day, I …

Chinese New Year Day 2

The plan to have golf with Irwin on the second day of the Lunar Chinese New Year day two was cancelled since I was not sure what time my family would be leaving house for house visiting. My gang’s gathering at Kok Chiang’s house faced the same problem. We took bus 80 instead of NEL …

Thrown $20 Ez-link Card to Sleep in Lecture

For the second consecutive Saturday, I went down to SIM for lecture. Although it was the last day of the intensive lecture for this semester, things did not spell good. The lecturer executed his power to make everyone feel sleepy again and I was so wasted throughout. During lunchtime, Yuanle and I dined at the …