[Thursday, 29 July, 2010] I was not in a good mood and blogging took me quite long. Crapping with Vanessa and knowing about her boyfriend’s funny opinions on Tze Khit and me kept me entertained to release the tension. I went to bed right after 4am. My mum woke me up at around 7.30am. I …
Tag Archives: brunch
Saturday at the Gym
[Saturday, 17 July, 2010] I broke my record and went to sleep at 3am. Nevertheless, it was not easy to doze off. I woke up after noon and had lunch with my family at the coffee shop near block 7. It was taken over and managed by Food Loft. It was an interesting meal with …
Supposed to Go Out
[Sunday, 6 June, 2010] I became a good boy and started sleeping at around 3am, which was only an hour later than when I was at Zaki’s place. My brunch was taken at Burger King, enjoying the $4.95 meal with my elder brother and his girlfriend. I was waiting for Hirman’s reply whether he wanted …
A Fresh Start of a Saturday at Zaki’s Place
[Saturday, 5 June, 2010] It was an unusual morning for it was the second time I stayed over at Zaki’s place. Hirman wanted to watch the Proposal but he knocked out soon. I watched it alone and went to sleep at around 2am. I woke up at around 7am and was too alive to doze …
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Sunday at Marina Square
[Sunday, 23 May, 2010] On Sunday, I was woke up by my brother’s girlfriend. They wanted to go for brunch at Marina Square. We went to Just Acia and I ordered fish and chips. It was more like the mixed vegetable rice’s fish cut into small slices with the fries. Nevertheless, the free flow of …
Out with Tze Khit and Bobby
[Wednesday, 19 May, 2010] I lost to the sleep disease again. Even though I dozed off near daylight, I tried to set my alarm clock to wake me up early so that I could make myself more tired. In the end, I failed before I went back to sleep again. At around 11am, my mum, …
After the Chalet
It had been long since I last took heavy meal on my own account. I kept walking over to the barbecue pit to grab food and also swallow cups of fruit punch. I went to sleep after 3am. We woke up at around 9.30am to start packing up everything, returning the tables and barbecue tray …
My Elder Brother’s Chalet
It was one of the chalets that I slept early. My brothers and my elder brother’s girlfriend were the only four persons inside the double storey chalet. My younger brother went up to sleep first and followed by the couple. I stayed at the ground floor to surf net using my younger brother’s laptop, network …
Missed FYP Meeting
Yesterday morning, I took honeystar with milk followed by a carrot for brunch. After watching the “Plan A” at channel 8, I started working on the FYP website, which absorbed my brain cells. When I checked my phone in the afternoon followed by a missed call from Soon Siong, I realized they were all meeting …
Second Day of MC and My Mum’s Holiday
On the second morning of my MC, I went to the MacDonald’s with my brother and his girlfriend. The new restaurant was renovated again to accommodate more people, at the cost of the coziness. We shared a nugget meal with a chicken roll, and another cup of drinks and fries at the cost of $10 …