Dining out with Lucky

[Friday, 17 September, 2010] I spent the morning updating website, blogging and replying email. I finally went to bed at around 6am, joining my elder brother as Lucky was sleeping over in that room. My mum tried to get Lucky to pee and her ranting woke me up during the daylight, and thus disrupting my …

MSN Bug and Email Testing

[Saturday, 10 July, 2010] I finally played my childhood game – Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 – again. I was quite lazy though and delegated all my provinces to my officers so that they could kiss my neighbours by their own. Somehow, the AI could not take down the enemies swiftly like me. It …

Finally, Dinner with Miss Beautiful

[Sunday, 13 June, 2010] I slept after 3am and was woke up by my elder brother and his girlfriend who got home from fishing. It was before 9am and they were speaking loudly in the living room and I could not get back to sleep after that. I gave the hairdresser some calls but she …

Facebook is a Time-bomb

Facebook has shrunk the world more than what the invention of internet has done. At first, emails, newsgroups and IRC (internet relay chat) made information sharing fast and easy enough such that human beings were amazed and impressed. When Facebook comes into action, it starts to attract users to an extent that most internet users …

Chang Point Boardwalk and Wild Wild Wet

[Wednesday, 7 April, 2010] Gilbert and I finally went out again on Wednesday morning. The main destination was Wild Wild Wet at Downtown East but he planned to go to Changi Point Boardwalk before that since Wild Wild Wet’s operation hours started in the afternoon. I met him up at Cityhall MRT where he hopped …

Paypal – Singaporean Users can not create Donation Buttons

Dear Kai Lun Chan, Hello, my name is Sherry. I will be happy to assist you with your question regarding your PayPal account. I understand that you have some difficulties to create donation buttons on your website. Upon checking your PayPal account, I find that the PayPal account you created is a Singaporean one. Due …

It was Never a Good Day

[Thursday, 25 February, 2010] EIP sucked big time even though in the afternoon, I promised boss to continue to help him until end of the month. Eunice did not manage to witness the angrier tone of mine. I did not “give face” to the Jurong Ville teacher because I needed to do my job. I …

Assistance Required to Resolve Inconsiderate HDB Corridor Smoking

Will the Media or Government sector or MP reply, first? reach@reach.gov.sgfrontline@mediacorpnews.comHPB_Quit4Life@hpb.gov.sgContact_NEA@nea.gov.sgykbaey@gmail.com Dear Sir/Mdm, I reside at Blk 3, TG Pagar Plaza #16-* S081003. My neighbour, staying a storey above me at #17-26, has been lighting his cigarette at the corridor everyday. Since it is very near to my house, the smoke is being blown into …