One of the Best Days – Suntan, Dinner and Movie

[Friday, 3 September, 2010] I was taken aback to realise that my source code for the Quit Smoking Calculator being stolen by someone who was foolish enough to be discovered by me. I was probably too naïve to believe that the world was still quite decent and nobody would have done that; at least the …

Eating Crab and Prawn were Time-Consuming

[Friday, 30 July, 2010] I was chatting with Grace and Yaozhong in MSN. After sending Yaozhong an article for SmokeForWhat to edit, I went to the MacDonald’s with my brother and mum for supper. We shared two sets of meal – fillet-o-fish and 9-piece nuggets. I was glad that they allowed us to mix the …

This Friday is Not Better than Last Friday

[Friday, 16 July, 2010] I had my supper with family at MacDonald’s before going home to continue with blogging. I went to bed at around 5.30am. When Huiting messaged me in the day about her website, I was quite pressurized for I was still working on another one. I helped her to set up a …

Dinner with the Babes

[Friday, 9 July, 2010] I spent the morning updating SmokeForWhat crazily. It took too much time and effort to type new article. I had a few more in mind and phobia was taking over me. I went to bed after sunrise, after replying Huiting’s SMS. Since the initial dinner venue was at SP, I had …

Phototaking at Seng Kang

[Sunday, 4 July, 2010] Firman messaged me to do web design for his community centre. We started talking about his next day’s involvement in their event and invited me there so that I could get some photos for I agreed to it immediately since I loved event photoshooting. I took some self photo for …

We Worked and We Ate

[Tuesday, 27 April, 2010] I played LANs game with my brother and we caught the shows on Discovery Channel together. In the end, I slept at 5am, which was earlier than the days before. Meeting Irwin at Orchard MRT made me proud for my time estimation was excellence that I arrived just around five minutes …

Meeting up with Dear Sister Hoay Min

[Thursday, 15 April, 2010] I continued with the struggle with my portfolio, sleeping only after 4am. I woke up near 9am before my alarm clock sounded. I checked my phone and realised my dear “sister” Hoay Min had cancelled the lunch appointment with me. I was sleepy and tried to get back to my sleep …

Chang Point Boardwalk and Wild Wild Wet

[Wednesday, 7 April, 2010] Gilbert and I finally went out again on Wednesday morning. The main destination was Wild Wild Wet at Downtown East but he planned to go to Changi Point Boardwalk before that since Wild Wild Wet’s operation hours started in the afternoon. I met him up at Cityhall MRT where he hopped …

Lorry to ABC Market

[Sunday, 28 March, 2010] On Sunday, I woke up and started searching for the green bean soup my mum claimed she would prepare but all the pots were empty. In the end, I took cereal. After noon, my brothers and my elder brother’s girlfriend went to the MacDonald’s with me and after which, my younger …